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Cat Videos May Be Habit Forming
Especially the one where the cat is wearing a Go-Pro
Obsession: the domination of one’s thoughts or feelings by a persistent need or desire to watch cat videos instead of sleeping, eating, or socializing.
— Webster-Tulin’s Hybrid Dictionary
I remember the days my wife and I used to play Scrabble in the evening to relax. Now we watch cat videos. We watch them on Facebook or Instagram and laugh like two hebephrenics at a Dave Chappelle concert. We then send links to close family members, encouraging them to have a cat obsession, too.
Cats are the best comics going today. I get way more laughs watching cat videos than I do from Friends reruns— and Jennifer Aniston and Lisa Kudrow are not nearly as cute as a Persian or a Russian Blue.
A cat smacking his owner in the head with iron paw knuckles is side-splitting.
A cat wearing a motorcycle helmet on the back of a Harley is hilarious.
A cat riding sidesaddle on a turtle's back, spinning out of control while chasing its tail, bitch-slapping a dog four times its size, picking the lock of the front door, bringing home a humungous rat, disrupting a goat yoga class, clawing and hissing at far-right bible thumpers, caught in the rinse cycle of…