Member-only story
Graveyard of Broken Hearts
When a relationship runs its course
I told my weeping friend,
she’d get through this trauma,
that her relationship had run its course,
fell apart with the changing seasons;
and once the bond fulfilled its purpose,
lovers go their separate ways.
I told my weeping friend,
her pain will lessen with time,
the tears will stop falling,
unfulfilled dreams and hopes,
will stay buried in a lover’s graveyard
along with the skeletons of broken hearts.
I assured her that the brokenness would heal,
trust will slowly follow,
and she won’t have to be tortured
by the waterfall of moments, she shared,
there will be other lovers sought and found —
and one who won’t betray her.
© 2022 Mark Tulin
Here’s another by Mark Tulin: