InThe HavenbyMark TulinSave Me from My Bar MitzvahAnd give me a clip-on tieFeb 18, 20212Feb 18, 20212
InLiterary FeastbyMark TulinAdolfa and the WolvesA story of a young girl’s callingFeb 23, 20211Feb 23, 20211
InThe JunctionbyMark TulinAt Uncle Leo’s FuneralThe story of a drunken fruit manApr 1, 20216Apr 1, 20216
InThe Brain is a NoodlebyMark TulinA Making a Marriage Work PoemBut where are the instructions?Aug 22, 202113Aug 22, 202113
Mark TulinHow My Grandson Learned About Mallard MatingAnd how privacy mattersSep 3, 202110Sep 3, 202110
InSex and SatirebyMark TulinMy Uncle Was Hung Like a HorseA story about a real putzNov 5, 20215Nov 5, 20215